“The Holy Spirit is Captivating!”
The Holy Spirit.
I recently shared with my husband that I am convinced part of the problem in this world is the lack of Christians truly allowing the Holy Spirit to lead their lives.
In the last few years the Lord has really impressed upon me just how badly he wants a personalized relationship with me. A two way street. Where I pray and look to him for guidance but I also allow him to speak to me and guide my daily steps & actions. No I do not mean that I hear the Lord audibally but in my heart? Yes! It’s like an impression he lays on my heart and it’s a known feeling that he’s leading the way.
He’s shown me so many things, led me down several paths that I would have never chosen yet always end up appreciating. He’s kept me from trouble and he’s spoken to my heart on when to help others and so much more. The best way that you can relate to his love and lead is by allowing him to speak to you. ❤️
Sometimes he speaks to me through scripture or maybe a random person. Maybe a specific situation or worship at church. The message during church and many many more ways.
One thing that I think is so sweet though is when he sees fit to choose us personally to help confirm or help others. It’s a type of situation that can only be explained by Him and those are situations I love getting to be a part of.
I know if we would allow him to speak to us that it would make things easier on us for sure.
I remember many times that I used to share with a friend things that the Lord had spoken to me and she would think I was a nut case. Ha! However, That same sweet friend has grown so much in the Lord over the last several years and now we pair up when we want to share what the Lord spoke to us b/c we both understand each other’s crazy. Lol!! It’s such a sweet connection though. To be able to have a Godly Spiritual Friend(s) and totally get it when we begin the story with, “I know this will sound crazy, but...” we instantly know that The Lord must have spoken to them. Haha!!
So, Why this post? One of my desires is to reveal to Ladies that feel there is no way out of their confusing situation in life or maybe their new found walk in the Lord that He WANTS to speak to you! Not just that but to love on you. Guide & protect you. I want to make it known that when you find yourself in a struggle or difficult situation that he is waiting on you to ask for his help. ❤️
God’s Love letter to us, (The Bible) tells us, “Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)
How great is that!! By asking Jesus into our hearts (getting saved, receiving his salvation) He blesses us with his Holy Spirit as a beautiful gift and IF WE CHOOSE to then allow the Holy Spirit to lead us day by day, we are then basically saying, “Okay Lord! I’m all yours. Speak to me through your Holy Spirit and use me to be a light for others. Teach me. Guide me. Lead me.” It’s such an adventure & so amazing!
If you have never experienced this and hear people say at times that the Lord spoke this to them or spoke that to them and you are left thinking they are crazy or why doesn’t he speak to me like that. There is great news!!! He wants to. ❤️ Seek him wholeheartedly and diligently and you will find him.
This past weekend a sweet friend of mine had text me late in the evening so excited to share with me how she had finally experienced the Holy Spirit leading her to go and pray for someone who she didn’t event know. She felt that nudge that she needed to. And of course God didn’t disappoint. He needed her to be obedient and she was and beacuse of that she was able to see one of the sweet ways he works in helping others through us. My heart was so warmed and excited for her. With her permission, I have blurred out her personal information in the texts but you can read her story here. ππΌππΌππΌ
How great is that?? God is so good! He’s waiting for you to listen for him. Set aside your busyness and seek his voice. He wants that one on one personal relationship with you. I can assure you that once you start noticing him lead you, You will want more and more of him.
This scripture came to mind when I was thinking of her Texts.
“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17)
Isn’t he just Grand. After all, His ways are Overwhelmingly Beautiful. ❤️
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